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Product Updates v1
Matthew Lee avatar
Written by Matthew Lee
Updated over a week ago

We are thrilled to be releasing features throughout the week designed to improve shuffl management for Shuffl Admins. These include quality-of-life improvements related to self-service member administration and more reporting on program-level KPI’s directly within the Shuffl Portal.

We are grateful to our customers for their continued partnerships. Full release notes of all service updates already released and planned will be appended to this post when we roll out the service updates through the week. Zero downtime and interruption to your shuffls is expected.

If you have questions please email

Computer opening

Shuffl Portal Updates

Self-service Admin Management

  • Provided self-service RBAC (role-based access controls) for our Shuffl Admins

  • Shuffl Admins now can grant and manage Shuffl roles directly within Portal

  • Shuffl Roles and PermissionsShuffl Super Admins: Full role management to assign new Super Admins and Admins. Billing management access and inherits all abilities of Shuffl Admins.Shuffl Admins: Permission to assign new Shuffl Admins and downgrade Admins to regular users. As a Shuffl Admin, full access for shuffl settings management and new shuffl creation is granted.

Members Page

  • Provided an easy way for Shuffl Admins to view its team members with respective roles

Shuffl Portal

Shuffl Portal - Add Admin

Shuffl Settings

  • Added “Every Three Weeks” and “Start of the Month” to shuffl frequency in the shuffl Channels settings page

UI & UX Enhancements

  • Incorporated the latest release of Tailwind UI 2.0

  • Improved new team onboarding flow and general navigation in performance and usability

General Service Platform

Shuffl Scheduler

  • Optimized end-to-end shuffl processing performance and monitoring

  • Improved retry logic for shuffls

Service Health

  • No incidents to report. Please find our live operations tracked at our service health page.

  • Addressed minor issues related to unintended designation for a user’s opt-status.

  • Fixed a reschedule bug for a specific shuffl cadence.

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