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Code of Conduct Policy

Policy | COCP

Matthew Lee avatar
Written by Matthew Lee
Updated over a week ago

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this policy is to define expected behavior from employees towards their colleagues, supervisors, the overall organization, partners, third-parties, and our customers. We expect all employees and contractors, full-time or part-time to follow our Code of Conduct. Offensive behavior, disruptive behavior, and participation in serious disputes should be avoided. Employees are expected to foster a respectful and collaborative environment.

They are bound by their Employment Offer Letter, Independent Contractor Agreement, and Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement to follow the Code of Conduct Policy while performing their duties.

The Code of Conduct is outlined below:

  • Compliance with law

    • Employees should have an understanding of and comply with all environmental, safety, and fair dealing laws. When performing their job duty and dealing with the organization’s products, finances, critical information, & public image, employees are expected to be ethical and responsible. If an employee is unsure of whether a contemplated action is permitted by law or Company policy, they should seek advice from the resource manager.

  • Respect in the workplace

    • Employees should respect their colleagues. Discriminatory behavior, harassment, abuse, or victimization will not be tolerated.

    • Reporting of said behavior for appropriate action is mandatory.

  • Protection of company property

    • Company property, both material or intangible, should be treated with respect and care.

    • Employees and contractors should:

      • Not misuse company equipment

      • Respect all intangible property, including trademarks, copyright, information, reports, and other property. These materials should be used only to complete job duties.

      • Protect company facilities and other material property from damage and vandalism, whenever possible.

  • Corruption

    • Employees are discouraged from accepting gifts from clients or partners.

    • Briberies are prohibited for the benefit of any external or internal party.

  • Job duties and authority

    • Employees should fulfill their job duties with integrity and respect towards all individuals involved.

    • Supervisors and managers may not use abuse their authority. Competency and workload should be taken into account when delegating duties to team members.

    • Team members are expected to follow their leaders’ instructions and complete their duties with thoughtfulness and in a timely manner.

  • Conflict of interest

    • Employees should avoid any personal, financial, or other interests that might compete with their job duties.

  • Benefits

    • We expect employees to not abuse their employment benefits. This can refer to time off, insurance, facilities, subscriptions, or other benefits our company offers.

  • Policies

    • All employees must comply with company policies

  • Disciplinary actions

    • Repeated or intentional violation of the Code of Conduct Policy will be met with disciplinary action.

    • Any disciplinary action will include a reasonable communication and remediation plan by the supervisor prior.

      • Consequences will vary depending on the violation, but can include:

        • Demotion

        • Suspension or termination

        • Detraction of benefits for a definite or indefinite time

    • Cases of corruption, theft, embezzlement, or other unlawful behavior may call for legal action.

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